The Slavic Connexion

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

203 episodes of The Slavic Connexion since the first episode, which aired on March 11th, 2019.

  • Putting Poland, Ukraine, and Russia in Context with Norman Davies

    September 28th, 2022  |  Season 5  |  34 mins 33 secs
    europe, history, poland, politics, russia, ukraine

    On this episode, luminary historian Professor Norman Davies joins us to talk about the state of Polish studies, the deep history of Ukraine when it was ruled from Warsaw and Krakow, and the importance of broadening European and Slavic studies as taught in academic spaces. This episode was all about historical context, so we hope you enjoy. Thanks for listening!

  • "Black Garden Aflame": The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict with Artyom Tonoyan

    September 21st, 2022  |  Season 5  |  56 mins 10 secs
    armenia, azerbaijan, caucasus, conflict, geopolitics, history, russia, turkey, war

    On this first episode of season 5, Lera and Zack talk with Dr. Artyom Tonoyan about the ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, delving into the history of tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Russia's role and presence as mediator, and the various geopolitical vectors in the region. Thanks for listening!

  • Black Widows: Female Terrorists in Chechnya

    August 29th, 2022  |  Season 4  |  41 mins 19 secs
    caucasus, religion, russia, terrorism, war

    Recent dual-degree CREEES and LBJ Global Policies Studies MA graduate Lucia Winkeler returns to the podcast to discuss her research and report “Chechen Chernie Vdovi: The Most Lethal Human ‘Black Widows’” in which she examines the motivations and explanations for Chechen women’s involvement in extremist organizations and actions.

  • "All Future Plunges to the Past" with José Vergara

    May 28th, 2022  |  Season 4  |  35 mins 43 secs
    cold war, culture, history, literature, soviet union, teaching

    With the end of the 2021-2022 academic year, we are taking a short reprieve before beginning our new season. In the meantime, we have the pleasure of bringing out a wonderful episode from our backlog with guest José Vergara who speaks both about his passion for Russian literature and his book on the reception of James Joyce in Soviet Russia, which came out in October 2021. We hope you'll enjoy this conversation.

  • The Far-Fetched Far Right Non-Story with Andreas Umland

    May 10th, 2022  |  Season 4  |  46 mins 9 secs
    international law, nuclear war, politics, propaganda, russia, ukraine, war

    On this episode, Andreas Umland talks with Lera and Cullan about the Right and the Far Right political movements in Ukraine, addressing the ultranationalist claims propounded by Russian propaganda versus the reality reflected at the election polls in Ukraine since 2014. Dr. Umland convincingly argues that the Far Right narrative is a "non-story" and largely a "manipulation of consciousness."

  • Operation "Denver" and Russia's Disinformation Playbook with Douglas Selvage

    April 30th, 2022  |  Season 4  |  35 mins 55 secs
    cold war, disinformation, intelligence, propaganda, russia, ukraine, ussr

    On this episode, continuing our series on Putin's War in Ukraine, Lera and Sergio speak with Douglas Selvage at the Humboldt University of Berlin about his research on the disinformation cooperation between KGB and STASI during the Cold War and specifically the work of Operation "Denver" in the 1980s. Dr. Selvage talks of how these same Cold War propaganda tactics are nearly verbatim recycled today in Putin's war of aggression in Ukraine.

  • Youth Political Engagement in the 2019 Ukrainian Presidential Election

    April 15th, 2022  |  Season 4  |  45 mins 34 secs
    elections, politics, social media, ukraine

    In this episode, we feature participants of a UT student-driven project back in spring 2019 which examined Ukrainian youth political engagement during the presidential election in which Volodymyr Zelenskyy ultimately beat incumbent Petro Poroshenko. The team discusses the fascinating process by which they began their research, how they connected with Ukrainian students via Skype (not Zoom!), and what it was like when they eventually traveled to Ukraine itself. The lasting relationships and connections they made during that memorable month abroad in summer 2019 inform their thinking and processing of the War in Ukraine today. Take a listen!

  • Putin's War in Ukraine: Russian Roulette with Leonid Ragozin

    March 23rd, 2022  |  Season 4  |  41 mins 36 secs
    global order, nato, politics, russia, ukraine, war

    Journalist Leonid Ragozin joins us to talk about the irrationality of Putin's invasion of Ukraine and Zelensky's steadfast resistance which has led to the present stalemate situation that we now have. Ragozin calls Putin's gamble a suicidal move, not just for Putin's regime but for Russia itself.

  • Putin's War in Ukraine: "Truth will be told" with Alex Kokcharov

    March 9th, 2022  |  Season 4  |  48 mins 12 secs
    information, propaganda, putin, russia, ukraine, war

    Returning guest, Alex Kokcharov, joins us from London to share his personal views and stories on the war in Ukraine. He talks of the stark informational divides that have arisen between Russia and Ukraine, wherein even family on both sides of the Ukraine-Russia border cannot agree on what is happening in this conflict or why.

  • Putin's War in Ukraine: The History of the Conflict with David Marples

    March 5th, 2022  |  Season 4  |  46 mins 40 secs
    belarus, conflict, history, nato, politics, soviet union, ukraine russia war

    On this episode, returning guest Dr. David Marples, professor of history at the University of Alberta, graciously joins us to help unpack, if not understand, Putin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine by providing a basic yet thorough overview of the conflict's history. Visit for ways you can help organizations addressing this humanitarian crisis.

  • Российская оппозиция: Беседа с Владимиром Кара-Мурзой

    February 19th, 2022  |  Season 4  |  34 mins 19 secs
    current affairs, history, politics, russia

    В этом выпуске Лера и Миша берут интервью у известного российского оппозиционного политика, историка, и публициста Владимира Кара-Мурзы. Они обсуждают перспективы российской оппозиции на ближайшие годы, состояние гражданского общества в России, положение оппозиционной прессы в России, преследование про-демократических активистов и постепенную, но плавную смену риторики президента Путина в отношении демократии и сменяемости власти в Российской Федерации. Мы искренне надеемся что вам понравится! Желаем приятного прослушивания!

  • The Russian Opposition Today and the Legacy of Boris Nemtsov with Vladimir Kara-Murza

    February 14th, 2022  |  Season 4  |  36 mins 23 secs
    anti-corruption, foreign policy, international relations, navalny, nemtsov, russia, russian opposition

    On this special episode, we had the opportunity to speak with Russian opposition leader Vladimir Kara-Murza during his visit to The University of Texas at Austin. Mr. Kara-Murza provides insight into the Russian dissident movement today, perspective on Mr. Putin and US-Russian relations over the last two decades, and personal reflections on the life and legacy of Boris Nemtsov before and after his assassination on February 27, 2015. We hope you enjoy!

  • "Čas proměn": Prague in a Time of Transformation with Mark Baker

    February 3rd, 2022  |  Season 4  |  43 mins 45 secs
    eastern europe, journalism, prague, travel, writing

    On this episode, Lera and our newest host Misha speak with travel writer and journalist Mark Baker based in Prague. They discuss how he went from writing for the likes of Bloomberg and working for Radio Free Europe to researching and creating travel books for Lonely Planet and others. Mark Baker expounds on his latest book, not a travel guide but a memoir, which covers his amazing stories and experiences in Prague in the decade following the Cold War. We hope you enjoy!

  • NATO and the "Bear in the Woods" with Sergey Radchenko

    January 26th, 2022  |  Season 4  |  51 mins 9 secs
    china, cold war, conflict, history, nato, russia, ukraine

    On this episode, Lera and Cullan have the chance to talk with Sakhalin-born historian Dr. Sergey Radchenko, who reflects on his first introduction to the United States via East Texas, Sino-Soviet and Sino-Russian relations, and the current Russian-Ukraine conflict and how the West's response is affecting the situation. We hope you enjoy!

  • North Macedonia and the Mired Quest for EU Accession

    January 17th, 2022  |  Season 4  |  29 mins 59 secs
    bulgaria, eu, greece, history, north macedonia, politics

    On this special episode, Dr. Mary Neuburger's graduate class presents their analysis of North Macedonia’s complicated quest for EU accession which has been ongoing for over 25 years. What's the hold up exactly and which EU members are keen on preventing European integration? Take a listen and find out!

  • "Long Hair Goes a Long Way": Exploring the Soviet Hippie Movement with Juliane Fürst

    December 23rd, 2021  |  Season 4  |  58 mins 33 secs
    counterculture, hippies, history, soviet culture, youth movements

    Happy Holidays, y'all! On this episode, Lera gets to sit down and chat with Dr. Juliane Fürst who unpacks 10 years worth of research and personal explorations in the Soviet Hippie movement as published in her latest book from Oxford University Press. Her stories will thrill, so gather 'round and take a listen. We hope you enjoy!