Susan Crate

Special guest

Susan A. Crate is a Professor of Anthropology in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy at George Mason University. An environmental and cognitive anthropologist, she has worked with indigenous communities in Siberia since 1988. Her recent research has focused on understanding local perceptions and adaptations of Viliui Sakha communities in the face of unprecedented climate change—a research agenda that has expanded to Canada, Peru, Wales, Kiribati, Mongolia and the Chesapeake Bay. She is the author of numerous peer-reviewed articles and one monograph, Cows, Kin, and Globalization: An Ethnography of Sustainability (AltaMira Press, 2006), and she is co-editor of Anthropology and Climate Change: From Encounters to Actions (Left Coast Press, Inc., 2009), with its second volume, Anthropology and Climate Change: From Actions to Transformations just released in early 2016. She also served on the American Anthropology Association’s Task Force on Climate Change.

Susan Crate has been a guest on 3 episodes.